Michigan State University Sports Medicine Fellowship is specifically designed to educate fellows in all areas of primary care sports medicine, collaborate with community to add value to the community and provide a well-rounded sports medicine experience, and provide an educational experience that is both rigorous and enjoyable.
The “Morning Lecture Series” provides sports medicine fellows and faculty with an opportunity to meet weekly for intensive exploration of sports medicine topics. The session also includes a Journal Club where the fellow presents a recent publication related to the week’s topic.
Examples of topics include:
Environmental Considerations in Sport
Sports Cardiology
Fracture Management Series – Coordinated with Orthopedic Surgery Attendings
General Medical Conditions
Injury Management
Sports Nutrition and Performance Enhancing Drugs
US Curriculum
Fellows participate in a longitudinal musculoskeletal ultrasound curriculum encompassing both diagnostic and procedural ultrasound.
Fellows also participate in cadaver labs throughout the year alongside the PM&R Department to hone their diagnostic and procedural ultrasound skills.
Athletic Training Facilities and game coverage
Fellows care for athletes of all levels, high school through professional teams, in various athletic training facilities throughout the year. A team approach to athletic care is emphasized, highlighting the essential aspects of clear communication between physicians, athletic trainers, parents and family, and coaches. Fellows work closely with their surgical colleagues often sharing many coverage events as well as didactic experiences. Fellows will also work closely with the athletic training staff to triage orthopedic injuries and medical concerns and provide medical coverage for the athletes at various levels of competition.
Scholarly Activities
Fellows are expected to present lectures throughout the year to various audiences, including primary care physicians and staff, sports medicine/orthopedic attendings, and the community. Fellows are encouraged to present at the national level, including the annual AMSSM and/or ACSM meetings.